The Sunday Times Top 100 Independent Prep Schools in England: Fifth equal in England and First in the North West.

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Headmaster's Welcome

Headmaster's News, Friday 26th April, 2024

Apr 26, 2024

26th April 2024


Dear Parents


Welcome Back

It has been a busy start to the term with the commencement of our Summer sporting fixtures and preparation for our Year 3 and 5 performance of ‘A Letter to the Trenches’. We have some exciting trips planned for this Summer Term, as well as visits from some very special guests. We will keep you updated on our online calendar and in our fortnightly Newsletter.


2E Assembly

Thank you, Year 2, for your fantastic Assembly this morning about your History Topic: The Victorians. I especially enjoyed your acting and it brought home the fact that the majority of children in Victorian Times had to work. You really emphasised the difficult conditions in the mines and as chimney sweeps, working 12 hour days! The Assembly certainly made us realise how grateful we are for the opportunities we have today. Well done Year 2 and thank you to Ms Eccles for arranging the Assembly.


Face Painting in Pre-School

Last week, Mrs Hayes and the Pre-School children enojyed a creative afternoon face painting. Once the children all had their faces painted, they even took it in turns to paint onto Mrs Hayes’ face!


Reception Taster Session

This week, we invited some of our new Reception 2024 pupils to spend some time with our amazing Mrs Bennett. We are very excited to welcome them into our community in September! If you know anyone who may want to join our Reception 2024 class, please ask them to contact us to arrange a tour. Thank you for your ongoing support.


NHS Mental Health and Movement Day

Earlier in the week, as part of an NHS initiative for positive mental health and movement, The Yogi Group visited Highfield to deliver a session with each class. The children learned anxiety-relieving techniques, breathing techniques and mindful movement, which will ensure they have the skills to maintain positive mental health.  The children particularly enjoyed the positive affirmation circles and resilience activities. A big thank you to the Yogi Group for their visit!


Summer Uniform

With the weather gradually improving, please could all children wear Summer Uniform after the Bank Holiday weekend.

We still have large numbers of children wearing unnamed uniform in the school. Please make sure all uniform is named so that it can be returned promptly to its owner.

A full uniform list has been attached and is available on the website. Please could I remind parents of three points on the uniform list:

·         No fashion haircuts, hair colours or hair products are allowed in school (including haircuts below a grade three)

·         Bags for Juniors – black, navy, maroon laptop case or smaller size back-pack (suitable to fit an A4 folder.) No obvious logos.

·         All bobbles/hairbands are to be in school colours only (no glittery ones)


Nursery Build

Thank you for everyone’s understanding during the Nursery build. Please could you take extra care and consideration when parking at pick-up and drop-offs to ensure there is space for everyone.

Next week there will be a crane in the Junior Playground for three days which will reduce the car parking spaces. There will be staff on hand to direct you to the spaces that are available.



If you are picking up from school after 3.30pm, please could you park in the Junior playground. We will be locking the playground gate near the Sports Hall.


Artist and Composer of the Term.

The artist of the term will be pop artist, Roy Lichtenstein. The composer of the Term will be John Williams. The composer and artist of the Term will be discussed in class and during assemblies. Please could you continue to support this from home.


Sports News


Rounders V SMH

The sun came out for an excellent first Rounders fixture of the season, with all the Year 5 and 6 girls taking part. The Year 6 teams won both their matches with some impressive individual play. The Year 5 teams also demonstrated great skill, winning their first match, and narrowly missing out on a win in their second match. Well played to all the girls, we are looking forward to the rest of the season!


Cricket V Scarisbrick Hall

All the boys in Year 5 and 6 travelled to Scarisbrick Hall School on Wednesday to play our first Cricket match of the season. It was a lovely bright day and all the boys were really excited about their first match. The boys all demonstrated good technique in their bowling and they all worked hard to improve their accuracy which led to a number of wickets being taken. The batting also showed promise with a range of really good shots being played and the ball often being hit across the boundary to everyone’s delight. The main area of focus for the next few weeks will be fielding and making sure that we take advantage of every opportunity the opposition give us. We now look forward to our next fixture against AKS.


Merit Awards 19.04.24

RB: Sulaiman              1W: Muhammad-Yusuf          2E: Dharini                              3D: Henry

4J: Krisha                    5A: Isla                              5M: Alfie                                  6H: Alayna

6P: Imogen


Merit Awards 26.04.24

RB: Eloise                   1W: Muhammad                     2E: The Whole Class              3D: Sara

4J: Abdulla                  5A: Mohammed                      5M: Anya                             6H: Drew

6P: Zaid


Yours sincerely

J M Duke


Highfield Priory School

Building Strength and Individuality

The latest from Highfield Priory

Children enjoyed a croissant and a drink with their mummies and family members.

The children finished the breakfast by surprising everyone with a song with actions called, 'I love you' ❤️

There were smiles and hugs all around!

Well done Reception.Photos from Highfield Priory School and Nursery's post
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17 hours ago

Congratulations to Arthur, who has been selected to play for the Lancashire County U12 Boys squad and represented Lancashire in the North West County tournament over the weekend! 🏑

We are all very proud! 😀
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2 days ago

Congratulations to Arthur, who has been selected to play for the Lancashire County U12 Boys squad and represented Lancashire in the North West County tournament over the weekend! 🏑

We are all very proud! 😀
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