The Sunday Times Top 100 Independent Prep Schools in England: Fifth equal in England and First in the North West.

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Headmaster's Welcome

Headmaster's News, Friday 24th May, 2024

May 24, 2024

24th May 2024


Dear Parents


Reception Trip to Smithills

Reception visited Smithills Farm last week where they enjoyed feeding the animals and watching the cows being milked. They particularly enjoyed holding the chicks and rabbits, as well as stroking the owls, donkeys and alpacas. A tractor ride to feed the donkeys completed a wonderful and very busy day. There were even a few sleepy heads on the way home!



The Year 6 children have enjoyed two days of Bikeability training with their specialist tutors. They were taught how to maintain their bicycles as well as how to control them while cycling: setting off, cruising, slowing down, braking and stopping. We have witnessed the children gaining confidence in handling their bikes and we are comforted to know that they can ride safely as they approach their final weeks at Highfield before they embark on their new adventure at high school. We would like to thank GoVelo for providing such a valuable experience for our children.


Year 5 French Breakfast

It is that wonderful time of year where the kitchen is filled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked croissants and pains au chocolat in the early morning! Year 5 were more than happy to come into school at 7.45am for their highly anticipated French Breakfast. Not only were they going to eat some delicious pastries, but they were also able to make them! They ordered their food in French saying, ‘Je voudrais un croissant et un pain au chocolat s’il vous plaît’ with confidence and perfect pronunciation. The children even had some ‘chocolat chaud’ and enjoyed French conversations at the table about their favourite subjects, hobbies and sports with some help from Mme Morrice and Mme Lockwood. All this, with French decorations and French music playing in the background, made it an unforgettable event!



We were so proud of our Year 6 children as they sat their NCTs last week. They have all worked so hard towards these national tests and they felt that they had done the best they could on the day. They celebrated with a games afternoon on Friday and enjoyed some sweet treats too.


3D Assembly

Last Friday, our Year 3 class took to the stage to perform their class assembly following their recent topic, ‘Children in WW2 – Evacuees’. Everyone did a fantastic job presenting this emotional topic through song and acting; it was wonderful to see the pride on the faces of family members who came to watch.


Manor Adventure

Earlier today, we waved off some of our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils who traveled to Manor Adventure in Shropshire for a weekend of team building activities. Facing new challenges, with the support of their peers, is invaluable and we cannot wait to hear all about it when they return!


Creepy Crawley Roadshow in Preschool

We had some wriggly and slithery visitors in Pre-School last week as we welcomed the Creepy Crawly Roadshow to the classroom. Our guests included Incy Wincy Spider, Colin the Cockroach, Mildred the Millipede, Snowy the Giant Snail, Magic the Butterfly and Kellog the Snake. We had so much fun learning all about our creepy visitors and getting to know their cheeky personalities.


Cakes and Treats

If you would like to bring in any cakes or treats for your child’s birthday or other special occasion, please ensure they meet the specified criteria. They need to be individual, store-bought cakes with the list of ingredients on the label. If you have any queries, please contact the school office.


Summer Uniform

Please could I remind all parents that the children should now be wearing their Summer Uniform. The school places a lot of emphasis on presentation and a smart correct uniform plays an important role both within school and out in the wider community.


Staff News

Mrs Smithson will be leaving us next week to take up a position as a class assistant at St Andrews Primary School (her children’s school). Mrs Smithson has worked at Highfield for over fourteen years and has provided outstanding care and education to so many past and present pupils. I would like to thank her on behalf of the whole Highfield community for her service and we all wish her the best of luck in her new post.


Sports News


Infant Sports Morning

On Wednesday morning, we welcomed families into Highfield to enjoy our Infant Sports morning. Despite the torrential rain, the children’s spirits were not dampened as their excitement grew. Eager to show off the athletic skills they have been practising to their families, the children completed all their activities with smiles on their faces. The sports hall was bursting with laughter and cheers. All 6 teams competed against each other to score as many points as possible in the following events: the favourite egg and spoon race, a relay, under and over arm throws, a sack race, hurdles and an obstacle course. Yellow team finished in first place with 337 points, Orange team finished in second place with 303 points and the Blue team came a very close third with 300 points. All the children finished a fun-filled morning with a medal and a delicious ice lolly.


ISA Athletics Championship

Well done to all the Athletes from Years 3-5 who travelled to Manchester for the ISA Athletics Championships. With some fantastic individual performances from Isabella (second overall out of 25 girls in the under-10 girls rounders ball throw) and Arthur (qualified from the heats for the finals of the 150m), all our pupils had a great time. Performing in such a big stadium is an experience they will remember for years to come. We are immensely proud of how they represented Highfield, both on and off the track.


Merit Awards 17.05.24

RB: Ettan                    1W: Ibrahim                2E: Joey                      3D: The Whole Class

4J: Billy                       5A: Ahmad                  5M: Shomi                   6H: The Whole Class

6P: The Whole Class


Merit Awards 24.05.24

RB: Henry                   1W: Lina                      2E: Sofia                     3D: Emily

4J: Isabella                  5A: Eliza                      5M: Aisha                    6H: Ariana

6P: Sisley


Yours sincerely


J M Duke


Highfield Priory School

Building Strength and Individuality

The latest from Highfield Priory

Children enjoyed a croissant and a drink with their mummies and family members.

The children finished the breakfast by surprising everyone with a song with actions called, 'I love you' ❤️

There were smiles and hugs all around!

Well done Reception.Photos from Highfield Priory School and Nursery's post
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18 hours ago

Congratulations to Arthur, who has been selected to play for the Lancashire County U12 Boys squad and represented Lancashire in the North West County tournament over the weekend! 🏑

We are all very proud! 😀
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2 days ago

Congratulations to Arthur, who has been selected to play for the Lancashire County U12 Boys squad and represented Lancashire in the North West County tournament over the weekend! 🏑

We are all very proud! 😀
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