The Sunday Times Top 100 Independent Prep Schools in England: Fifth equal in England and First in the North West.
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Jul 19, 2024
19th July 2024
Dear Parents,
2024 Speech Day
In my family, we are all big fans of the Harry Potter books. So much so that the latest additions to our family have all been named after Harry Potter characters. We’ve had Padfoot, the black labrador, Luna, Tonks and Moaning Myrtle, the hens, and most recently Albus and Remus the cocker spaniels. J K Rowling creates some wonderful characters in her books and I always feel that each character has something significant to teach us about life. One of my favourite characters is Fawkes the Phoenix and, particularly, the role he plays in The Chamber of Secrets. Maybe it’s because, as Headmaster of Highfield, I wish I could have a pet Phoenix in my office, but I think it’s also because of the personal qualities that Fawkes embodies: loyalty, bravery, strength and acceptance. Fawkes is the star of the show in The Chamber of Secrets. Not only does he show great loyalty to Dumbledore and Harry by entering the chamber, but he also shows great bravery when faced with Tom Riddle and a deadly basilisk, he heals Harry’s fatal wound and he is able to carry four people out of the chamber to safety. As a phoenix, Fawkes bursts into flames when his time comes and then is reborn out of the ashes, stronger than ever. He represents endings and beginnings and our acceptance of these facts of life. Today we are looking at an ending, as we say farewell to our remarkable Y6 class. They are leaving us today in a blaze of glory and although we are feeling sad about losing them, we are excited about what lies ahead for each of them.
But before we look forward to your bright futures, allow me to indulge in looking back at some of your achievements this year.
Year 6, your NCT results this year are the best we have ever had at Highfield. Can I repeat that? The best we have ever had! And we’re 5th in the country already based on our results. We were already strong but your combined efforts have made us even stronger. You continue to aim high, you set a wonderful example to others and you have made your school stand out on a national stage. Your places achieved at the Grammar Schools were amongst the best on record.
I think they deserve a round of applause!
In the sporting arena, our Highfield teams won the Preston Schools Netball, came second in Preston Schools Swimming, Preston School Athletics and Beech House Athletics and third in the ISA Cricket. Individuals have also excelled in ballet, synchronized swimming, tennis and gymnastics this year. Each member of our Junior School is given the opportunity to compete against other schools at a range of sports including Football, Rugby, Hockey, Netball and Cricket, helping them to build confidence, develop a love for the sport and prepare them for competitive fixtures at secondary school.
In the performing arts, we have put on five productions with every child in the school appearing on stage and continuing to grow in confidence and self-belief. Our Junior pupils have excelled at their HPSED exams and over 34 pupils have performed in a Musical Assembly this year. We mustn’t underestimate just how much building confidence on the stage can give us confidence and self-belief in other areas of our lives. Highfield certainly bears testament to this fact.
Our continued excellence in all areas led to Highfield Priory being shortlisted as the TES Independent Preparatory School of the Year. This is a great achievement for our school and a true testament to the hard work and support of our pupils, parents and teachers. Could we please share our appreciation of each other with a round of applause.
I started this speech, talking about Fawkes the Phoenix, and new beginnings. Like Fawkes, our Nursery building has risen out of the ashes this year. It has been the source of much excitement in the playground as the children have watched their new Nursery take shape and witnessed the creation, brick by brick, of the lovely new home our Nursery children will enjoy in the next academic year.
We are also looking at some other sad endings this year as we say farewell to some incredibly valued members of our Highfield community.
We are saying goodbye to families who have enjoyed Highfield as a pupil and as a parent, some of whom have been with us for over 22 years. Mr. Desai who is a member of one of those families has also been Chair of the PTA for last few years. Please can he now come up to the stage so we can show you our appreciation.
Our Governor, Will Garment, is leaving us after 21 years as a parent and as a Governor, and Highfield owes him a tremendous debt of gratitude for the time, expertise and commitment he has shown to our school. Please can he now come up to the stage so we can show you our appreciation.
We are also saying goodbye to a much-loved member of staff: Mr Drake. Mr Drake joined us ten years ago as a newly qualified teacher. My daughter, who has just completed Y13 this year, was in his first ever class. During his time at Highfield, he has been class teacher for Year 3, 4 and 5 classes, he has taught PE, Games and IT across the school, his technical wizardry has contributed to the production of countless assemblies and school productions, he also, memorably, even starred in one! He regularly takes a turn on the decks as Highfield’s very own DJ and has entertained the children greatly at school parties and discos. In September 2020, Mr Drake joined the Leadership Team as Assistant Head. We have enjoyed and valued his years with us and we don’t know what we will do without him. We would like to invite him up to the stage to accept a token of our appreciation and a resounding round of applause for his time at Highfield. Mr Drake.
We would also like to celebrate the staff who remain at Highfield and have given a decade of their lives to working in our school. Mrs Lonsdale, Miss Wright, Mrs Berry, Miss Wyllie, Mrs Morrice, Mrs Elstone, Mrs Street, Mrs Parsons, Miss Eccles, Mrs. McNicholas Let’s give them a round of applause.
Now, would you believe that we have 8 members of staff that have dedicated TWO decades to working at Highfield! Miss Halstead, Mrs Jones, Miss Jewitt, Mrs Hayes, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Wilson. Miss Catherall and Mrs Davidson. Let us show them our appreciation for their incredible service.
Now, there are two members of staff who have served over three decades at Highfield and have, in fact, taught some of the parents sitting in front of us today. Miss Macklam has worked at Highfield for 34 years and Mrs Haythornthwaite has worked here for 37 years. They have been instrumental in preserving the ethos and traditions that make Highfield so special. I think we should get them to stand up on their feet. Please stand up while we give you a round of applause.
As I look at our Year 6 class in front of me, I am looking at a wonderful group of characters who have delighted us so much during their time at Highfield. Just like J K Rowling’s creations, you all have some very special qualities: you are strong and resilient, intelligent and witty, brave and compassionate. But the thing I have always liked best about the characters in Harry Potter is that not one of them is perfect. Even Albus Dumbledore, with all that age and wisdom behind him, is able to acknowledge his faults. We are all flawed. We are all a work in progress. And that’s ok. Don’t expect to be perfect as you make a new start. Reflect on your strengths and how you can use these to give you a strong start in Y7. Consider your weaknesses and how you can start to address these in Y7. Think about areas where you may require extra support and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your new teachers are waiting to help you. Year 6, you have built a solid foundation for yourself during your time with us, but you are still developing and growing and learning how to take your place in society. Like Harry, Ron and Hermione, you will make mistakes along the way, but that doesn’t mean that you are not on the path to greatness. You too can defeat trolls, stand up to bullies, ace exams, make life-long friends, fight against evil and stand up for what you believe is right. You too can be the heroes of your own story. As you embark on this new beginning, like Fawkes the Phoenix, take flight, radiate warmth and light wherever you go, remain loyal to each other and continue to aim high in all aspects of your life.
Yours sincerely
J M Duke