The Sunday Times Top 100 Independent Prep Schools in England: Fifth equal in England and First in the North West.
Would you like a tour of Highfield Priory School and Nursery? Call our School Office today: 01772 709624
Sep 20, 2024
20th September 2024
Dear Parents
Open Morning
Our Open Morning this year will be on Friday 11th October, 9am -12noon. If you know any friends, work colleagues or neighbours who would like to see Highfield in action, and celebrate the fantastic work and achievements of our children, please pass on this date and a warm welcome. Please could you also forward any Open Day Facebook posts to your mailing list. We are also looking for any suitable banner sites on main roads or junctions. Please contact the school office if you are able to help in any way. Thank you!
Mrs Bennett was astonished by how quickly the Reception children have settled into their new class! They explored the school, visiting new classrooms for Music and P.E and made new friends on the Infant Playground. We are sure they are going to have a fantastic year, learning together and having fun. Well done, Reception!
This week has been a busy week in Nursery! The children (and teachers) brought their favourite cuddly toys into Nursery for a Teddy Bears Picnic! Everyone enjoyed the delicious sandwiches and snacks. We also had lots of fun in our first dance class of the year. We loved moving to the rhythm and tempo of the music; a lovely way to express ourselves. Later in the week, we made our very own Pizzas, with the help of our teachers of course! An eventful week finished with a lovely trip to the beach. We loved playing on the sand, playing ball games and running around in the fresh air! We had so much fun, we all fell asleep on the way back!
Thank you to all the parents who came to our first PTA meeting of the year. The school second-hand shop has now been reorganised thanks to the help of our dedicated PTA parents. We are very excited about the events coming up this term and we extend a warm welcome to any new parents who would like to join our team.
Car Safety
Please ensure children are properly seated in car seats, as per the legal requirements, to ensure maximum safety. We would also like to remind everyone of the 5mph speed limit on site. Thank you for your consideration and understanding.
If your child has been sick at school or at home, they must stay off school the day after their last episode. This is to prevent contagion and limit the affect to other children and families.
Netball V Sedbergh Prep
The girls were nervous but very excited for their first match of the term. Every girl in Years 5 and 6 represented Highfield across the 3 matches. Highfield won all 3, with some fantastic displays of skill, teamwork and attacking prowess. The movement around the court and the versatility of the girls playing in different positions was impressive and demonstrated everything they have worked on in training. Well played to all the girls, and thank you to all the parents who came to support, it was lovely to see!
Merit Awards 13.9.24
RB: Reese 1W: Eloise 2E: Muhammad Yusuf 3R: Joey
4J: Poppy 5M: Alaylah 6P: Summer 6HM: Yaseen
Merit Awards 20.9.24
RB: Giuliana 1W: Kate 2E: Eva 3R: Sofia
4J: Erin 5M: Amelie 6P: Muhammad 6HM: Harriet
Yours sincerely
J M Duke