The Sunday Times Top 100 Independent Prep Schools in England: Fifth equal in England and First in the North West.
Would you like a tour of Highfield Priory School and Nursery? Call our School Office today: 01772 709624
Sep 19, 2024
4th September 2024
Dear Parents
Welcome Back!
What a fantastic first week! It was wonderful to see the children on Tuesday with smiling faces, stories to tell and catching up with their classmates. The children have made a great start and are working hard, approaching each new lesson with energy and enthusiasm. They have signed up for activities and are now looking forward to a full program starting next week. The remaining Curriculum Evenings will also take place next week, giving you an opportunity to ask any questions that may have arisen this week.
News from Early Years
Our Nursery children have had a wonderful start to the Autumn Term, enjoying lots of fresh air in Forest School, learning Makaton to the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. We also had lots of fun developing our colour recognition through play and enjoyed singing lots of nursery rhymes. Today, we went on an adventure to Ribbleton Library, walking through the fresh air before exploring the wonderful world of books. There were lots of shapes and colours; we love the library!
News from Year 1
The Year 1 children have settled in well and have enjoyed going to the art room for the first time this week. They have all behaved well and worked hard. They have made me very proud, and they have been very grown up and sensible managing all the changes coming from Reception into Year 1.
Curriculum Evenings
These are extremely important and informative events that Parents should attend if they can:
- Year 2 Curriculum Evening Tuesday 10th September, 6pm
- Year 4 Curriculum Evening Wednesday 11th September, 6pm
- Year 5 Curriculum Evening Thursday 12th September, 6pm
- Year 3 Curriculum Evening Monday 16th September, 6pm
Nursery Build Update
You may have noticed the scaffolding has now been taken down and the Nursery building is standing proud and ahead of schedule! We are looking forward to completion of the building towards the end of Autumn 2024.
Staff News
I am delighted to welcome Miss Ryan to our school and to announce that she is expecting a baby, due at the end of the Autumn Term. We would also like to welcome new member in our facilities team, Ms Carr.
Swimming Times (Years 4-6)
Calling all confident swimmers! Please could you submit your 25m times in front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke by email to the school office no later than Friday 27th September.
Classes for September
Reception Mrs Bennett (Miss Halstead will be responsible for the class on Wednesday)
1W Mrs Wilson (Mrs Davidson will be responsible for the class on Friday)
2E Ms Eccles
3R Miss Ryan
4J Mrs Jones (Mrs Davidson will be responsible for the class on Thursday)
5M Mrs Morrice
6P Mrs Prince (Mrs Street will be responsible for the class on Wednesday)
6HM Mrs Haythornthwaite (Monday, Tuesday), Miss Macklam (Wednesday - Friday)
New Regulations on Attendance
New regulations, brought in by the government in August, have introduced a number of new codes to track attendance and absence in more detail. ‘H’ for agreed family holiday has been removed and any holiday or time taken during the term time will be unauthorised except for time taken in exceptional circumstances. The new codes will also allow for closer monitoring by County and the Independent Schools Inspectorate to ensure that the school is compliant. The new policy has been published on the school’s website.
The children looked so smart on the first day of term and we love to see them having their photographs taken on the front steps at school.
Please could you make sure every item of clothing is clearly named. We will be conducting a kit and uniform check in the next few weeks to check that children have the correct uniform, and it is all named. Please help to make sure that this check is successful for each pupil. It will make returning property to you so much easier! Thank you for your support.
It is important that all children have the correct uniform so that they feel part of the community.
The uniform list is placed clearly on the website, however, please take note of some key items below.
School water bottles should be brought to school every day. School water bottles are issued to new starters, in Reception and in Year 3. Any replacements can be purchased from the school office.
School shoes for all children must be black. Low heels for the girls, no platforms, trainers or boots.
Children with long hair must use clips and bands to ensure their hair is neat, tidy and away from face at all times. Long hair must be tied back at all times, with accessories in school colours.
All bobbles/ hairbands are to be in school colours only (no glittery ones).
Fashion haircuts are not allowed, this includes no cuts below a grade four. Hair colours or hair products are not allowed in school.
No jewellery (including earrings), bracelets, wrist bands, nail varnish, braids, make-up or fake tan.
No sunglasses are to be worn in school without a medical reason.
Smart watches, very colourful watches or watches with big faces must not be worn in school.
Composer and Artist of the Term
The Artist of the Term is Wassily Kandinsky and the Composer of the Term is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Merit Awards 6.9.24
RB: - 1W: Nora 2E: Clara 3R: George
4J: Shaurya 5M: George 6P: Zarlala 6HM: Isla
Yours sincerely
J M Duke