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Nov 15, 2024
15th November 2024
Dear Parents
6HM Class Assembly
Thank you to class 6HM, who entertained us this morning in their colourful outfits. They taught us all about Children in Need and why it is such an important event nationwide. We learnt all about how Children in Need helps children in our area as well as difficulties we can face in our daily lives. By speaking to families, friends and teachers, we can overcome any obstacle. Thank you to Mrs Haythornthwaite and Miss Macklam for organising such an important assembly.
M&M Productions
The children were very excited about the return of M&M Productions and their performance of ‘Snow White’. The children loved the interactive show - singing, dancing and answering questions - some of the teachers even got up to dance! The special effects and lighting created a magical show. The children were singing the songs and recounting their favourite parts to each other throughout the day. Thank you to M&M Productions and to Mrs Jones for organising their visit.
Children in Need
A big thank you to all our children, parents and staff for supporting Children in Need. It was wonderful to see everyone dressed up in their imaginative outfits. The school was filled with colour and fun all day and we raise £215.
PTA Halloween Disco
The children, parents and teachers all enjoyed a spooktacular Halloween disco on Friday, with everyone looking fantastic and frightening in their costumes! After a Halloween feast in the dining room, the children danced and played spooky games in the Halloween-decorated sports hall. Everyone had so much fun and it was the perfect way to end our first week back in school. A special thank you to Ms Eccles, as well as all parents and staff who supported this event, for making it a very special evening for the children.
Winter Clothing
Please could I remind parents of the school uniform list which is published on our website. As we approach colder days at school, I would like to remind families that if children would like to wear additional clothing to keep warm, they should wear school coats, school hats and school scarves. Gloves should be plain navy, maroon, grey or black. All these items can be bought from Monkhouse. Please make sure all items are named so they can be returned to your child if misplaced.
Mad Science Assembly
The children enjoyed a very quirky assembly last week when we welcomed a very whacky scientist. We learnt all about the science involved in Olympic sports and had fun with some very interesting experiments. Thank you to the Mad Science team and the volunteers who helped. We can’t wait until the Mad Science Club starts next term. Sign Up sheets will be distributed in the coming weeks and places will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Update from Preschool
We have had a great time in Preschool, this term, getting creative with a range of activities! From colourful building blocks and baking in the classroom, to mechanics and crafts outside. We have created some great memories and can't wait to see what the rest of the term brings!
National ISA Swimming Gala
As the National ISA Swimming Gala approaches, we would like to wish Shomi the best of luck in his event. We are all very proud of your achievement in reaching the National Gala and will be cheering you on from the classrooms!
Netball V AKS
Last Wednesday a squad of netball players travelled to AKS for a match. The girls started a little slower than usual but soon found their rhythm. The girls started to connect passes together with many attempts to score. They played 3 teams from AKS, bringing home 2 impressive wins. Thank you to the parents who travelled to AKS to support the team.
Cross Country at SMH
The children enjoyed a new course at SMH this year as they were able to run through the scenic grounds of Stonyhurst on a beautiful, sunny day. The weather was perfect for cross country! Everyone ran very well, despite losing a total of 3 trainers along the way. They all enjoyed their biscuit and hot chocolate which was waiting for them at the finish line. Well done boys and girls!
Football V AKS and Scarisbrick
All boys in Year 5 and 6 have participated in matches against AKS and Scarisbrick Hall over the past few weeks. They have been very competitive in all fixtures and have demonstrated significant improvement in their skills, particularly in first touch and shooting.
The boys are also starting to work much better as a team, utilising space to create more shooting opportunities. Areas for improvement include strength in the tackle and competing for every ball. We look forward to our remaining matches of the season.
Thank you to all parents who have supported these events.
Lancashire Chess Association
Following on from their recent events for primary age children, Lancashire Junior Chess are running a tournament and coaching day for children of all ages who are keen to improve their chess. This will be on Sunday 1st December. To attend, your child should be able to play basic chess, i.e. understand the pieces, their moves and know of castling, stalemate and checkmate. It is an informal and fun day, with a mixture of match play and some coaching.
You can sign up online:
Merit Awards 08.11.24
RB: Tabitha 1W: Sulaiman 2E: Daniel 3R: Freya
4J: Yusuf 5M: Megumi 6HM: Zaynah 6P: Yusef
Merit Awards 15.11.24
RB: Thomas 1W: Annie 2E: Yahya 3R: Maria
4J: Sara Bibi 5M: Freddie 6HM: The Whole Class 6P: Brodie
Yours sincerely
J M Duke