"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."
Forest School is an inspirational process that offers children opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self-esteem, through hands on learning experiences in a Woodland environment. Forest Schools originated in Europe in the early 20th century as a way of teaching about the natural world. By the 1980’s it became part of the Danish early years programme. Forest School is a long term child-led educational process that promotes, observes and explicitly supports the social, emotional and physical development of children in a Woodland surrounding. All ages access forest school or nature nurture sessions at Highfield Priory Nursery and Preschool.
As a child, I am sure most parents remember climbing trees, splashing in puddles or building a rope swing. At Highfield Priory Nursery and Preschool, we create these ever lasting memories for your children every day.
Our Forest School is set within our beautiful private ‘Highfield Haven’ and our days follow the rhythms of the children and the environment. We allow the children freedom to explore, play and be themselves, whilst being at one with nature. Our days are child led, we provide natural resources, tools, equipment, and structures. We find this freedom provides them with the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination to get lost in their world as they engage in play and use open-ended natural resources to support their play. A place where sticks become wands, trees become forts and children become dragons! The learning opportunities in this magical space are endless.
Our outdoor environment has unique characteristics and features. It has equal value to indoor learning opportunities and is richly resourced with play materials that can be adapted and used in many different ways for open-ended play provision. Outdoor play is a crucial element of our practice here at Highfield Priory Nursery and Preschool, so we ask parents to provide waterproof clothing, wellies, hat and scarves during winter. In summer we ask parents to provide sunhats and sun cream that can be left here at Highfield Priory. Each item would need to be all clearly labelled for your child.