"Pupils are confident about how the school helps them to achieve academic success and prepares them for their next school, but equally they reflect upon how happy their time is at school and the importance of looking after each other."
ISI Inspection Report, 2023
We have a long reputation of academic excellence. This is our thirteenth year running in the top 30 of The Sunday Times Top 100 Preparatory Schools in England and our sixth year in the top ten. We are currently 5th= in England and 1st in the North West.
Our fantastic 2023 Inspection showed that Highfield Priory School and Nursery met all the required standards set by the Independent Schools Inspectorate's updated framework.
We 'Aim High' for our children and prepare them academically, socially, physically and emotionally for their Grammar, Independent or State Secondary School of choice.
We have a long history and a strong sense of tradition; we do not allow government policy to cause us to deviate from giving our pupils a firm and confident grounding in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. This is shown by our above average Year 6 NCT Results.
We hold a firm belief in inclusion: all children are given regular opportunities to build confidence in competitive sporting fixtures and performing on stage in front of an audience. Our principal aim is that each child is confident and comfortable in their ability to communicate, and that each child is given the opportunity to speak publicly in front of an audience. We teach them the importance of self-awareness and awareness of their audience. As they grow in confidence, our pupils become more able to speak out freely in any given situation; and to speak with clarity and judgement. This confidence enables them to flourish across all areas of the school.
In 2023, we received an ISA Award for Innovation and Excellence in Mental Health and Wellbeing. Highfield Priory understands the importance of educating our students to value and develop their mental health. We incorporate mental health education into the curriculum, allowing pupils to gain a better understanding of their emotions and coping mechanisms. We explicitly teach strategies for maintaining good mental health in all year groups. By prioritising mental health, the school enables young learners to focus better, engage actively in learning, and achieve their full potential academically.
The welcoming Highfield Priory community enables children to settle easily and grow in strength and confidence in a supportive environment. Pupils become more aware of the people around them and how they can be useful, kind and considerate towards others. The school promotes a culture of supporting each other through various initiatives such as peer mentoring programs and monitor systems. Older students are encouraged to support and befriend younger students, creating a sense of camaraderie and fostering positive relationships within the school community.
We have Specialist Teachers and Facilities in Science, Modern Languages, Music, ICT, Drama, Sport and Art. The school has developed its facilities to include a 3.5 acre sports field with an all-weather pitch, a multi-purpose sports hall, a library, an Art Studio, an ICT Suite, a Music Room, a Science Lab, an outdoor learning area and Forest School. In January 2025, we opened our brand new Early Years building.
We encourage our children to develop a love and appreciation of the great outdoors through Orienteering and Team Building exercises, Forest School sessions, a Residential Trip to Shropshire and in our outdoor classroom, Highfield Haven.
We work hard to help our pupils to be the best that they can be, but we also work hard for their parents. We know modern life is hectic and unpredictable and we understand the importance of establishing trust and confidence as well as Extended Care to allow for the demands of the working parent. Alongside extended care, our children are able to discover and develop new talents through our extensive Extra-Curricular Activity Programme.
The Sunday Times 2022